In regards to.
Tamba is the first premium brand of fresh ready meals with African flavors. Launched in 2019, the
concept is simple, to (re)discover the culinary flavors of all of Africa through healthy, gourmet and
practical ready meals. We are here to shake up the "prepared meals" sections of our
supermarkets by offering "meals cooked like at home" with traditional African flavors. Authentic
tasting dishes. A guaranteed taste journey in 2 minutes.
Our origins
The adventure started in 2015, with an entrepreneur tired of always having to choose between pasta or mashed potatoes in the ready-meal departments of large French retailers. He dreamed of being able to rediscover the flavors of traditional African cuisine, those his mother prepared for him when he was a child.
He then decided to revolutionize the snack shelves by offering African cuisine with an authentic taste. After several years of research, development and perseverance, his dream becomes reality... his name is TAMBA.
A mark of character
Tamba is much more than a cooked dish to be reheated. It is a new approach to African cuisine. Our leitmotif is to convey the values of sharing, conviviality, art of living, and transmission.
And it is in all of Africa, the cradle of humanity, that Tamba borrows its incredible authenticity.
Whether you are with family, friends or colleagues, you can gather around our first recipes.
It is also in Africa, this vast continent with multiple cultures that Tamba draws his inspiration. This
explosion of color, flavors, smells, gives our cooked dishes this unique character.
Find out where it all started!
The founder
Passionate about cooking, he decided in 2008 to open his own pizzeria. This first experience
allowed him to realize that his adrenaline was entrepreneurship.
During this period, he realized the low visibility and accessibility of African culinary products in
French supermarkets. Out of love for Africa and for traditional cuisine, he then embarked on the
Tamba adventure.
What does Tamba mean ?
Tamba is the diminutive of Tambacounda, the largest city in eastern Senegal where the family of the brand's creator is from. You know... You always have to make a dedication to the family!