Our engagements.
For Tamba, quality is paramount. Quality is a guarantee of trust between you and us. It is also
our main commitment that allows us to create healthy and authentic African recipes to brighten
up your daily life. Our commitments reflect our know-how and our love for real African cuisine.
Le Mafé, le Yassa et le Thiou Yapp: le principe de base de nos plats est la convivialité. Que vous soyez en famille, entre amis ou entre collègues, vous pouvez vous regrouper autour de ces 3 recettes uniques.
Accompagnés de notre cheffe, nous choisissons avec la plus grande rigueur les ingrédients qui composent nos recettes pour vous offrir une expérience gustative inoubliable. C'est pourquoi nous utilisons des produits essentiellement d'origine française en privilégiant les producteurs locaux. Nous tenons d’ailleurs à nous excuser auprès de nos légumes qui ne prendront jamais l’avion…
C'est une certification qui permet d'identifier si les produits sont trop gras, trop sucrés ou trop salés et donc de résumer la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments :
Produit le plus favorable sur le plan nutritionnel (classé A)
Produit le moins favorable sur le plan nutritionnel (classé E)
Voilà une raison de plus de se régaler avec nos plats et de rester en bonne santé !
Parce que pour faire des plats d’exception, il faut des produits frais ! Chez TAMBA, nous préparons des repas spécialement conçus pour répondre à vos besoins. C’est pourquoi nous utilisons des produits frais.
Tous nos plats sont produits dans une cuisine comme à la maison ! C'est juste la taille de la casserole qui change ! Et oui, nos recettes sont réalisées dans nos cuisines basées en Île-de-France, par une équipe expérimentée et qualifiée travaillant dans le respect de nos recettes traditionnelles.
Friendly African recipes
Mafé, Yassa and Thiou Yapp: the basic principle of our dishes is conviviality. Whether you are with
family, friends or colleagues, you can gather around these 3 unique recipes.
With fresh products
Because to make exceptional dishes, you need fresh products! At TAMBA, we prepare meals
specially designed to meet your needs. This is why we use fresh products.
Carefully selected ingredients
Accompanied by our chef, we choose with the greatest rigor the ingredients that make up our
recipes to offer you an unforgettable taste experience. This is why we use products mainly of
French origin, favoring local producers. We also want to apologize to our vegetables who will
never take the plane...
All produced in France with quality
All our dishes are produced in a kitchen just like at home! It's just the size of the pan that
changes! And yes, our recipes are made in our kitchens based in Île-de-France, by an
experienced and qualified team working in accordance with our traditional recipes.
What is the nutri-score?
It is a certification that identifies whether products are too fat, too sweet or too salty and therefore
summarizes the nutritional quality of food:
Most favorable product from a nutritional point of view (ranked A)
Least favorable product from a nutritional point of view (classified E)
This is one more reason to enjoy our dishes and stay healthy!
Tamba, a strong and friendly brand.
In order to offer you authentic recipes, Tamba has decided to surround itself with a reference in
African cuisine. Anto Cocagne, better known as Le Chef Anto, is an artist of international
Le chef Anto
Recognized around the world, it offers minimalist and modern African cuisine, always enhanced
with a "French touch". Originally from Gabon, she puts her talent at the service of our taste buds
to break down preconceptions about African dishes that are still too little known. Her knowledge
of African flavors, her creativity and her commitment to the African continent make her a special chef with whom we are happy to work.
When we told him about our project, Le Chef Anto immediately joined and gave us 100% of his
For 2 years, she has supported us in the development of each of our recipes. She adds her
unique touch to it, to make our dishes even more delicious and unique! She is a shock
ambassador, with an infectious smile who shares our commitments!
Find her on the networks: